
Since Moving in to our new shop in Winooski back in January, Matt and I have gotten to collaborate on a few projects together. Being in similar fields (textiles), we have a lot of overlap with customers coming in and out of the shop. These projects are really what interested us the most about being in a shared space together. To date this is one of the coolest jobs we have done together.

One of our shared clients, Seven Days, came by looking for a pennant string. You know those cheesy, plasticy things that are often time at bars or parties. He was having trouble finding one that looked nice and durable, something he could use for years to come. Matt and I both hopped on board pretty quick, as 7D have treated us both very well in the past, and it was a great excuse to make a great product together.

Check out the process photos below!

Pennants on press

Pennants on press

Headed to the cutter. We had a custom die made for these. The shape is the same as the petals on 7D's flower.

Headed to the cutter. We had a custom die made for these. The shape is the same as the petals on 7D's flower.

A wonderful stack of colors. I love the white edging that shows through. Multiples always get me, something that drew me to printmaking in the first place.

A wonderful stack of colors. I love the white edging that shows through. Multiples always get me, something that drew me to printmaking in the first place.

Getting them in order. We did alternating colors and sides. You can see that in the last picture.

Getting them in order. We did alternating colors and sides. You can see that in the last picture.

Sewing the first strand

Sewing the first strand

Matt's machine has a great attachment for binding, it folds and sews the webbing at the same time.

Matt's machine has a great attachment for binding, it folds and sews the webbing at the same time.

We made five 40 foot strands in all!

We made five 40 foot strands in all!

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